Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year and all that

Yeah, new year. Woo. Don't see what the big party's for, but I don't particularly care, either. So, anyone else think I need to post something good again? Well, you're stuck with my usual crap. Why am I hearing all these words come out in a drunken voice in my head? There's really no reason for that as I haven't had alcohol since the 26th (a Christmas present I got while we were wrapping other people's presents on Christmas Eve). So, why do I sound drunk? No idea. Maybe it's because I've been singing loudly all day for no reason and am starting to get lightheaded. It's not a big deal, to be honest. Oh, and if you're wondering why I've been singing, it started because I was accepted into the Wormwood Society Absinthe Association. I was singing Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug (which has little to do with absinthe, save for him drinking it in the video. The proper way, at that). So it's time for another wasted post! Well, it's at least celebratory. And hey, the world all needs to celebrate something together (over a 24 hour period). So let's celebrate with a song about a dead son!

Nine Inch Nails: The Perfect Drug (1997) from Nine Inch Nails on Vimeo.

ALSO: In case anyone's forgotten about L'Art d'un Homme Perturbé, I've added two posts in December. I intend on adding more (I have stuff to show again), but for now, you'll have to just read Anne Rice's and my advice (Anne's is general information for new writers, mine is on character generation).

1 comment:

  1. Good idea linking your art blog here, I keep forgetting about it.

    Otherwise, Happy New Year
