Saturday, October 17, 2009

New Crew Required!

In case you haven't looked at the link list, there is a new entry: Marvellificent Scriptorium. It's a blog run by Sumomo and me (she's the captain, I'm the chief engineer). We need people who are well-versed in steampunk literature, art, fashion, science, websites, blogs, or anything else to post on there. It's not a paying job, of course (unless it gets huge and we do get paid for it, but I don't foresee that happening; steampunk isn't high school vampire romance), but it would be nice to have more people.

If you wish to join, comment in this post with the following form:

Area of Expertise: (Art, Literature, Fashion, Science, etc.)
Desired Title: (It has to be related to your area. I'm the chief engineer because I work on the insides of the "airship" and design various things)

Also, we need a good name for our airship.

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