Friday, September 11, 2009


All I've played is the demo and I already like it more than any other game. It's the first game where you dual-wield guns and can target two enemies at once (auto-target one, other gun is under your control). You can slide while swinging a sword or shooting both guns. Not to mention the music is AWESOME (10/10).

So, based on the DEMO alone:

Gameplay: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Controls: 10/10
Graphics: 9/10
Style*: 10/10

OVERALL: 49/50

Gameplay and controls are 10 for reasons already stated and also because they're simple and nearly intuitive.
The music is what you expect from a 70s action/Tarantino movie. It's energetic and fun...and PURELY AWESOME.
The graphics are really good, but even Fallout 3, from the same creators, has better graphics.
*Style refers to the overall look of the game.
The game's style DEFINITELY matches what you'd expect from Tarantino, the main inspiration for this game, and is definitely reminiscent of Kill Bill.

So...I'd even give this the extra credit point to give it a 50/50. I DO NOT recommend it for children, but neither does the ESRB (who gave it an M for MANY reasons, and I'd have to agree, for once). I AM going to buy this in 4 days. And I'll review the plot even (from what I can tell, it's pretty good...just from what little there is in the demo)

And an example of the music:

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