Monday, July 6, 2009

MORE bad news

Sumomo-san's father is in the hospital. He has an O2 count of 76 (I think...I know it's in the might be lower, but either way, it's dangerously low) and they can't get it up. They've done a lot of testing (CAT scans, X-Rays, Other) don't expect too much posting. That's all.


  1. Wow... I hope everything gets better.

  2. So far, he's getting better. He doesn't need to be on oxygen as much during the day as long as he remembers to take deeper breaths, though there is more bad news as well, but I can't say it in case my nephews find this blog (likely, as I'll be watching them tomorrow), as one threatened to kill the doctors (and probably would) when his sister had to get surgery for her ears...but yeah, he'll more than likely get through this, but there are still some things that make a complete fix impossible.
