Saturday, June 13, 2009

Double Meanings

Words with multiple translations from other languages are great...why not share some? These are going by pronunciation if they're from a different alphabet. I used roman letters for those who don't have alternate alphabets on their computers, but I could easily have typed them in in Japanese, at least.

Chou - (a pet name for someone cute), cabbage

Kaigan - Beach, Enlightenment
Seiteki - Sexy, Political Opponent, Legal Wife
Yaru - To Kill, To Have Sex
Umi - Beach, Birth, Pus
Tendou - The Sun, Destiny
Bouji - Sex, Lovemaking, One's Dead Child
Kumo - Spider, Cloud
Shi - Four, Death

Sagwa - Apple, Apology

If you have any others, feel free to share them. I'll add them to the list.

Oh, and video time:


  1. Dudel liked the old layout better! X(

    Double meaning words? Well in English, your native language, its a matter of slang V proper. Some examples would be "screw, bang, head". Why the are all sexual double meanings is because... you did it first. XD

  2. I know there are tons in English, but I like others better ^_^

    And I was looking them up for a reason...involving teaching Japanese...

  3. Yeah, okay. ALSO: I like this new set up, MUCH BETTER then the others. (The black/white/green one)

  4. Good, 'cause I'm sticking with it. I put too much work into customizing it ^_^
