Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nothing New

I have nothing new to say, so...

I don't like a7x, but jake2matt did make an awesome video for it, after all. The video is perfect for the song, though that seems like an insult to their video. Either way, the song gets three thumbs up. And that third thumb is "featured" from 3:16 - 3:29.


  1. That was interesting... if not odd.

  2. I hope my newest reviews aren't as odd...and any specific reason you chose to get off the followers list? Is it just because you have the one thing on yours to show what you're following?

  3. I'm following but not publicly. I find its better "this way" for me. I've got the watch list via my blog as well as an internal follower list which includes less blogs then are posted on site.

  4. It doesn't even list you as a follower in the dashboard but I guess it doesn't really matter as long as you're reading it ^_^

  5. I read.. most... don't always comment but giving you traffic none-the-less. :)

    ALSO: Upon reading your comment about my blog I decided to take a more active diverting response to my blog. Not PBBG crowded anymore.
